What is an epilator shaver?

What do you know about electric shavers? As you may have realized, there are numerous brands and models of electric shaves which you can find today. In this article, we shall discuss more about epilators and electric shavers. How do they work? Do they have any differences? Those are some of the things you will learn from this article. It is my hope that the article will help you to make a decision on which one is the best for you.

EpilatorsThese one are electric devices, which removes hair mechanically by pulling them out simultaneously.

Differences between epilators and electric shavers

Advantages of epilators

They have the following advantages

  • They are good for those with a sensitive skin
  • They cause hair to grow slowly after shaving
  • Most of them are waterproof which makes them suitable for wet shaving
  • You can use them on your sideburns, face, arms, legs and other parts
  • They do not leave any rough stubble
  • They do not have blades and this means that there are no chances of razor burns or accidental cuts.
  • They remove hairs completely from the base
  • They are smooth
  • You do not need to replace the blade like in shavers


  • They are painful especially when used for the first time
  • They are slow
  • They are noisy
  • You need to pass them several times on your skin
  • Not ideal for those with thick or long hairs
  • Can result to redness or ingrown hairs

Electric shavers/ lady shavers

Advantages of lady shavers

  • They are quick and easy to use
  • They are affordable
  • They do not cause any pain
  • They allow both wet and dry shaving
  • They do not result to ingrown hairs


  • Normally leave itchy stubbles
  • You need to replace the blades frequently
  • They may cause nicks and cuts
  • You need to shave regularly

As we have seen, epilators are not suitable to everybody. They may lead to ingrown hairs to some people. Apart from that, they are only suitable for short hairs. They work very well when used on legs or arms but can cause pain when used under the arms.

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What is a circular razor?

This one is also known as burst slitting. It is a single knife-cutting element which has an ultra thin and very sharp blades. They might be circular or straight.

Electric razors and epilators all perform a similar task of helping you to groom your face and hair. Another device that is very common when it comes to electric shaving is the foils shaver. Let us now discuss some of the important things you should know about foil shavers.


It is my hope that now you know the differences between, foil, epilators and electric shavers. As we have seen, they all work in different ways. From their advantages and disadvantages, it is my hope that you can now decide on which one is the best according to your preferences.

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